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April 2003 Tour
3 nights from 165 e (breakfast included)

Discover the life & style of l' Alt Camp.


Discover the Valls world of Dalí de Valls.

Sales at Noda grew by 20%
In the first quarter of 2003 to €204 million


L' exposició VALLS-T treballa la identitat territorial de la ciutat de Valls des d'un punt de vista turístic. Amb el model turístic hi participen al mateix temps la dimensió econòmica, social i cultural per definir un territori.
Durant uns dies ens hem allotjat a la ciutat i hem viatjat pels seus barris, les noves àrees urbanes, les zones industrials en expansió i l' entorn agrícola. Tots els recorreguts, que s'interrelacionen per formar una unitat, ens han permès conèixer i detectar valors, aspectes i peculiaritats de Valls.



The VALLS-T ex embodies the territorial identity of Valls from a tourist point of view. Together with the tourist model, the economic, social and cultural dimensions take part —at the same time— in defining a territory.
During some days we have stayed in the city and walked around its neighborhoods, its new metropolitan areas, its industrial areas in expansion and its agriculture. All its routes, which interrelate to create a unity, have allowed us to discover and detect values, aspects and peculiarities from Valls.


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Panoramic views 
Opening in Valls
Noda presents the first hotel of the chain to operate under the "Valls" brand in L' Alt Camp.
Stay at a beautiful Valls hotel at a very special price.

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